Monday 5 December 2016

3D Printed Object: Hybrid Design + FDM Print

For this project, I will work in group with my partner, and I choose one of his work to mix with one of mine to create a hybrid design.

 This is my partner's (Rydell) object. He mixes the circles and the polygons

And this is my object. I also mixed some circle with a 4 - sides polygon and change the size of each one to buid this object.

  This is the object that I mix from my object and my partner's object. I also improve more about the texture by rotate the curves horizontally and change the size of them.
This object can be use as a vase and can be a decoration for the rooms. I think it will look good when it is made by glass.

 This is the process when we are printing our object by using the 3D printer. There is a problem during this process since the texture is complicated and dramatic, and the plastic is melting.Therefore, we have to stop the process and try to fix the texture of the object.
Finally after we fix it, it was printed out completely. Even though there are still some mistake of the plastic on the texture, but it looks good enough, and I really like it.

Monday 21 November 2016

3D printed

This is some objects that I made from Rhino with the trimming tool. I will pick one of these and print with the 3D printer

Monday 14 November 2016

final papercraft

This is the final panda figure papaercraft. Through the comments of others from the last class, I add the hands for the panda and also the nose for the panda. During the process, I had a difficulty of sticking those part of paper together, especially the last part when it is closed. Also some small parts as the ears and arms was challenging me because it is too small. Other than that, everything was very interesting for me while I made this panda figure.

Monday 7 November 2016

This is my second papercraft, and I made a panda figure. I like this one more than the last one because this one look more defined. Also for this panda figure, i just explored a new tool which called "Mesh" in Rhino to make it. "Mesh" tool helps me break the sphere into rectangles, so it will be easier for me to do it.  I really like this panda figure.

Monday 31 October 2016


This is an object that I made by paper through the Rhino software. I made a 3D object by Rhino and unfolded it, and then I print it out, so that I can fold it by the real paper. It is just an object that made from some 6 sides polygon and Loft tool in Rhino. During the process of folding this object, I was having a hard time when I tried to fold the last section of this object because I have to close my object, that is why my object look kind of wry and crooked. Other than that, it was fun and interesting to make this object, and I enjoyed it.

Monday 24 October 2016

This is the papercraft project. I use Rhino software to draw a 3D image of the objects with the ExtrudeCurve, Loft, Cap, and PlanarCurve. 
 I find it very interesting when I use Rhino to create the objects because after I create them, I can unfold them and make them flat and 2D so that I can print them out the do a papercraft. There is one thing that I find it very hard to do is some of my objects have curve surface, so when I unfold them, don't know how to make them flat so that I can printing them out. There may be a tool to help me do that and I should explore more about Rhino.

Monday 17 October 2016


There are many ways for the artists to express our idea and feeling through their art works. Papercraft is one of the interesting art way to express idea and feeling, which is included in visual art.

Papercrat is when the artist use the paper to create their artwork. There are many kinds of papercraft which are very interesting and need a skillful hand and a creative brain. Artist can cut papers, glue them, or fold them to make an object or create a picture. The reason why I think papercraft is very interesting is because for me, I think the artworks that made from paper have more dimension and look more realistic.


On of the papercraft artist that inspires me is Hoang Tien Quyet. He is a professional papercraft artist who use the papers and fold them to make a creature such as animal or human, which called “Origami”. This artist is significant when he use the wet paper and fold them, so that the outline will look more active and softer, and he also create the wavy for the animal by using wet paper. When we use normal papers to fold, there will be many sharp angels and most of them are straight line, which make the artwork looks hard inactive. Therefore, Quyet uses a technique of wet paper folding to make his artworks which allows curves instead of straight line, so that they will look more realistic.

Hoang Tien Quyet inspires me because his artworks remind me of my childhood when I usually use papers and fold them with my dad to create something. I’m very interested in folding papers to make things when I was young since I think that it is the only way for me to create an object beside drawing. I also had some of the Origami tutorial books of Hoang Tien Quyet. When I see his new technique of Origami wet-folding, it give me a soft feeling toward his artworks due to the curves and rounded quality of his artwork. Quyet also inspires me by his skillfulness, meticulousity and hard working because when the paper is not wet enough, it will be dry before he folds it, but if it is too wet, the paper can be ripped or it will stick with other piece of paper. Therefore, I can see his effort and indulgence that he puts into his artworks, and I really like it.